Contributing to Cahute

You have something to contribute to Cahute, whether it’s a new feature, a tweak on an existing protocol, an unhandled file format, some more background on a feature or problematic, or a fix to a typo in the documentation?

First of all, thank you so much! This guide will help you set up for efficient contribution, and save some time to all involved.


If you are interested in the rationale of what is indicated here, you can consult the Contribution style for more information.

Preparing the repository

You must fork Cahute’s repository, by:

  • Creating an account on

  • Going on the Cahute repository and selecting “Fork”.

  • Cloning the fork on your PC, by running a command resembling git clone

  • Changing the current branch to a work branch, by e.g. running git switch -c feat/your-goal-here.

Installing and setting up the required tools

You will need the following dependencies and tools:

  • Build dependencies for the project; see Other systems.

  • Python >= 3.11, with dependencies listed in docs/requirements.txt, which you can either install externally, with a virtualenv or directly, using pip install -r docs/requirements.txt.

  • pre-commit.

In order to set up pre-commit, you need to run the following command:

pre-commit install

If you are modifying the code, even just when fixing a typo, you need to build the project from the modified source; see Other systems for more information.

Testing your changes

If you have only updated the documentation, you can run make -C docs preview, which will run a webserver on http://localhost:8000 to allow you to preview your changes.

If you have updated the code, you must build the project, then run either ./p7 <your command args here...>, ./p7screen <your command args here...>, or any other custom executable you link with the built ./libcahute.a to test it.


It is recommended to describe the tests that you have done in the description of the merge request, so that the maintainers can have an idea of what you could have missed!

Pushing your changes

Once you are done, you must commit and push your changes.

To create your commit, you most certainly want to do something like git add ., then git commit -m "your message here". Note that the message must be formatted a certain way:

  • If you are adding a feature: feat: your message here, e.g. feat: add hypertriangulation to protocol delta.

  • If you are fixing a bug in the code: fix: your message here, e.g. fix: fix bad buffer usage by TYPKZ OHP packets.

  • If you are adding something to or fixing something in the docs: docs: your message here, e.g. docs: add missing section for hypertriangulation flow.

You can now push to your repository using git push -u origin feat/your-goal-here (replace the branch name). Gitlab will provide you the link to create the merge request.