casrc configuration file

The casrc file is the “run commands” file for CaS (see CaS command-line reference). It defines two elements:

  • Settings, as sets of key/value pairs named “properties”.

  • Macros, as sequences of “property diffs” composed of the following:

    • The name of the property to update.

    • Whether to set or unset the property.

    • If the property is to set, the value to set to the property.

For example, a macro can be defined with first=value,second,no-third, where the produced property diffs will be the following:

  • The first property should be set to value.

  • The second property should be set to the empty string.

  • The third property should be unset.

Well-known locations

The casrc file is present in the following locations:

  • On DOS, it is located in the same directory as the CaS executable.

  • On POSIX-compatible systems, it is either located in ~/.casrc, or if not found, in the system directory, for example /etc/system.casrc.

File format

The casrc file defines macros and settings only using property diffs. It is line-oriented, using LF (U+000A) as line separators.

Line format

The format of a line is the following:

; A comment cannot be placed at the end of a macro or setting definition.
line = *space [macro-definition / setting-definition / comment] LF

; A comment starts with "#" or ";".
comment = %x23 / %x3B *(%x01-09 / %x0B-7E) ; Any non-LF character.

; Macro and setting values have the same format, and take all of the line
; until the LF.
macro-definition = "macro" 1*space name (1*space / *space "=" / *space ":") value
setting-definition = name (1*space / *space "=" / *space ":") value

; Macro and setting name cannot contain space.
; Macro names can technically contain commas, but adding such characters
; will make them unusable, since a component value cannot contain
; a comma.
name = 1*(%x01-08 / %x0E-1F / %x21-7E)

; Values are comma-separated components, which in turn are
; either macro names or property diffs.
value = *(*WSP [component *WSP] ",") *WSP [component *WSP]

; For line parsing or format verifying purposes, a component can be
; any sequence that doesn't include a comma and its surrounding
; spaces or horizontal tabulations.
; A component is allowed to be empty, which makes it define the empty
; property to an empty value.
component = *(%x01-09 / %x0B-2C / %x2E-7E) (%x01-08 / %x0B-1F / %x21-2C / %x2E-7E)

; Space is defined as a character for which isspace() is true for the
; C locale, i.e. space, form-feed ('\f'), newline ('\n'), carriage
; return ('\r'), horizontal tab ('\t') and vertical tab ('\v').
space = %x09-0D / %x20

Macro and setting names are case insensitive, and components reference previously set macros.

Component format

In casrc files, a component is one of:

  • A macro expansion, if the full component is the name of a macro.

  • Otherwise, a property diff.

A property diff has the following format:

; Note that whitespace at the beginning and end of the component have
; already been trimmed from line parsing.
property-diff = name [*WSP ("=" / ":") * WSP value]

; Exclude U+000A (LF), U+003A (":"), U+003D ("="), and forbid
; U+0009 (\t) and U+0020 (SP) to be the last character.
; Empty name is valid.
name = [*(%x01-09 / %x0B-3C / %x3E-7E) (%x01-08 / %x0B-1F / %x21-3C / %x3E-7E)]

; The value however can contain any character except U+000A (LF), and is
; also allowed to be empty.
value = *(%x01-09 / %x0B-7E)

If the name of the property in the diff starts with no-, then the prefix is removed and the property diff instructs to “unset” the property. Otherwise, the property diff instructs to “set” the property to the value.

If no value is present, it is considered to be the empty string.

Example property diffs are the following:

msg = hello world

Set the msg property to hello world.

empty, empty=

Set the empty property to the empty string.

no-superheroes, no-superheroes= ignored

Unset the superheroes property.

File examples

An example casrc file is the following:

macro my-macro msg=hello world,wow
macro my-second-macro oh-yeah, my-macro

; this is a full line comment
my-key the-value
my-second-key       my-macro
my-third.key  some=things,my-second-macro
my-third.key no-some

The casrc file above defines the following settings:

  • my-key: the-value=;

  • my-second-key: msg=hello world, wow=.

  • my-third.key: oh-yeah=, msg=hello world, wow= (since some=things is cancelled out by no-some at the end).

Available settings and properties

This section inventories known keys.

model – Calculator model

Properties are tested on their presence rather than on their value, in the following order:

fx7700, cfx7700, 7700, fx7, cfx7, 7

CASIO fx-7700G (1991 - 1993).

fx9700, cfx9700, 9700, fx9, cfx9, 9

CASIO FX-9700GH (1995 - 1997).

fx9750, cfx9750, 9750

CASIO FX-9750G (1997 - 1999).

fx9800, cfx9800, 9800, fx8, cfx8, 8

CASIO CFX-9800G (1995 - 1996).

fx9850, cfx9850, 9850, fx5, cfx5, 5

CASIO CFX-9850G (1996 - 1998).

fx9950, cfx9950, 9950

CASIO CFX-9950G (1996 - 1998).

any, *

Generic model.

in, out – Input or output configuration


If set, the input or output will be a local file with Calculator Text Format (CTF).


If set, the input or output will be DOS text (only recommended with -l).


If set, the input or output will be a CASIOLINK program (.cas).


If set, the input or output will be an FXP program (.fxp).


If set, the input or output will be an a Bitmap (.bmp) image.


If set, the input or output will be a GIF image.


If set, the input or output will be a serial port.


Token file path, relative to the casrc.

in.ctf, out.ctf – CTF-specific input or output configuration

These settings are merged with the in or out configuration if the selected input or output format is Calculator Text Format (CTF).


If set, write the glossary to the output file.


Use the “nice” token (TOKEN_OUT | TOKEN_NICE) instead of the “str” token (TOKEN_OUT | TOKEN_STR).


Add detail regarding this!

in.fxp, out.fxp – FXP-specific input or output configuration

These settings are merged with the in or out configuration if the selected input or output format is FXP.

No specific properties are available for this format.

in.bmp, out.bmp – Bitmap-specific input or output configuration

These settings are merged with the in or out configuration if the selected input or output format is Bitmap.

inv, inverse

If set, whether to read or write BMP in inverse.

in.gif, out.gif – GIF-specific input or output configuration

These settings are merged with the in or out configuration if the selected input or output format is GIF.

inv, inverse

If set, whether to write the GIF in inverse., – Serial-specific input or output configuration

These settings are merged with the in or out configuration if the selected input or output format is a serial port.

7700, 9700, 9800

If set, use the fx-7700G header and payload format.

9750, 9850, 9950

If set, use the fx-9750G header and payload format.


If set, use the AlgebraFX / Graph 100 header and payload format.


This is an extended option, that does not exist in the original CaS source.

cp, cp300, cp330, cp330+

If set, use the Classpad 300 / 330 (+) protocol.


This is an extended option, that does not exist in the original CaS source.


If set, use Protocol 7.00.


This is an extended option, that does not exist in the original CaS source.


If set, use the raw header and payload format.


Parity to set to the serial connection:

  • even or e: even parity.

  • odd or o: odd parity.

  • none or n: no parity.

If none of the above are matched, the parity is set to even.


Baud rate to set to the serial connection, from 1200 to 115200 bauds.


Baud rates from 19200 and above are not available in the original CaS source.

By default, the baud rate depends on the selected model.


Stop bits, which can be set to either 1 or 2.


This is an extended option, that does not exist in the original CaS source.


If set, enable the DTR line on the serial connection. By default, the DTR line is disabled.


If set, enable the RTS line on the serial connection. By default, the RTS line is disabled.

If this is set to the special value handshake, e.g. using rts=handshake, rather than enabling the RTS line, CaS will enable RTS/CTS handshaking.


handshake is an extended option, that does not exist in the original CaS source.


If set, require an interactive confirmation before initializing the communication with the calculator.


If set, initialize the communication with 0x15 (“inline”) or 0x16 (“ready”).


Link to the right section for this!


If set, in case of conflict, automatically overwrite.

in.bin, out.bin – Binary-specific input or output configuration

These settings are merged with the in or out configuration if the selected input or output format is raw binary.

No specific properties are available for this format.

list – List configuration

These settings are used for listing an obtained dump, or listing any entry within this dump.


Use the dump format for listing contents.

list.<type> – Type-specific list configuration

The settings from both list and the list.<type>, where <type> is the type of the entry that is being listed, are merged before listing an entry.

spc, space

Use the space format for numbers, i.e. add a space before.


Number format in the output.

Available values are the following:

oct, octal

Use the octal format for numbers, and add a space before.

dec, decimal

Use the decimal format for numbers, and add a space before.

hex, hexadecimal

Use the hexadecimal format for numbers, and add a space before.

oct, octal

If set, equivalent to setting num=oct.

dec, decimal

If set, equivalent to setting num=dec.

hex, hexadecimal

If set, equivalent to setting num=hex.


Whether to use nice display.


Write an example here!

pw, password

Whether to display the password for the program, or not.


If set, this shows the next segment of data.


What does that mean?