Main memory archives

A main memory archive is a collection of main memory files for the fx-9860G, fx-CP and/or fx-CG. It can be identified using:

  • The extension, among:

    • G1M (fx-9860G without settings);

    • G1R (fx-9860G with settings);

    • G2R (fx-CP with settings);

    • G3M (fx-CG without settings);

    • G3R (fx-CG with settings).

  • The CASIO container subtype (see By CASIO container subtype), among:

    • USBPower\x62\0\x10\0\x10\0 (fx-9860G with or without settings);

    • USBPower\x31\0\x10\0\x10\0 (fx-CP with or without settings);

    • USBPower\x75\0\x10\0\x10\0 (fx-CG with or without settings).

Such files contain files from the calculator’s main memory, including settings, programs, lists, pictures, captures, matrixes, and so on. This format is common to fx-9860G, fx-CP and fx-CG main memory archives.

Main memory files for these platforms have a group, a directory, a name and a numeric type. The archive organizes the main memory files per group, with a header per group followed by every file in the group with their own header.

The format of an example of such a file is the following:

  • Standard Header (32 B), referencing M + N objects

  • Group 1 Header (20 B), referencing M objects

  • File 1 Header (24 B)

  • File 1 Contents

  • File 2 Header (24 B)

  • File 2 Contents

  • File M Header (24 B)

  • File M Contents

  • Group 2 Header (20 B), referencing N objects

  • File M + 1 Header (24 B)

  • File M + 1 Contents

  • File M + N Header (24 B)

  • File M + N Contents

The number of main memory files is stored in the standard header, in the OC field.


Note that OC represents the number of main memory files, not the number of groups, i.e. at least M + N in the !

The Group Header format is the following:



Field name



0 (0x00)

16 B

Group Name (GN)

NUL-padded string, e.g. PROGRAM\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0

16 (0x10)

4 B

Group Count (GC)

Number of files within the group.

Big endian 32-bit integer.

The File Header format is the following:



Field name



0 (0x00)

8 B

Directory Name (DN)

NUL-padded string.

8 (0x08)

8 B

File Name (FN)

NUL-padded string.

16 (0x10)

1 B

File Type (FT)

8-bit integer.

17 (0x11)

4 B

File Length (FL)

Big endian 32-bit integer.

21 (0x15)

3 B



Main memory file formats?