Community feedback

As most free software projects, Cahute depends on community feedback to survive and evolve. This page references all of the ways such feedback is collected.

Maintainers for this repository are expected to be present on all of the places described here, even if irregularly.

Repository issues

The direct way for users to communicate on the project and about bugs and requested features are Gitlab issues on the cahuteproject/cahute repository.

Forums and other communities

Cahute is a product of other communities around calculators, usually specifically CASIO-oriented ones. As such, it does not have a forum of its own, and is described in topics on forums of said communities:

The main instant messaging place for discussing Cahute, along with many other projects, is the #projets shoutbox channel on Planète Casio, which requires:


While the forum is presented in French, user members are used to also communicating in English with non-French speaking members, including on instant messaging platforms; don’t feel obliged to speak French to join!


The project does not collect any statistics other than through the Google Search Console, which tracks:

  • Which Google search queries have led to the user going to Cahute’s website and documentation;

  • Links to the Cahute websites and documentation found by Googlebot.

Here is a preview of what the maintainers can see through the Google Search Console for Cahute:


A view of which websites reference the Cahute documentation, by domain.


A view of which links reference the Cahute documentation on a given domain (here,