Git and release versioning

This document covers how the Git repository is organized, as well as how release numbers are organized.


Cahute’s main source package distribution, also known as “tarballs”, is on

Cahute uses Semantic Versioning with only major and minor versions, not patches. “Breaking changes” cover both the library and utilities, i.e.:

  • If a valid usage of the library becomes invalid or produces an unexpected result (e.g. requests more privileges), breaking changes have occurred.

  • If a valid usage of any of the command-line utilities become invalid or produce an unexpected result, breaking changes have occurred.

Note however that 0.x versions don’t require backwards compatible changes between minor versions, only 1.0 and above, due to API incremental design and stabilization concerns.

Release process

Only the BDFL can release a new version, by pushing a new commit feat: release version x.y on develop that:

  • Updates the project version in the project() function call in CMakeLists.txt.

  • Updates the project version with the version attribute of the docs/ file.

The BDFL then pushes a tag containing the version name, e.g. x.y in this case, and the CI, on detecting a new tag:

  • Creates a tarball of the Git repository, and pushes it to the tarball distribution point with an associated SHA256 checksum file.

  • Builds the documentation and updates the main website using the newly generated files.

Once this is done, the BDFL creates a new release on the Releases tab of the Gitlab repository, linked to the newly created tag, with a human-readable changelog.


Creating a new entry in Releases will notify package maintainers and other manual users.

Git repository structure

Cahute’s main repository is at Only maintainers are allowed to push to it; other contributors must work on a fork, then submit the remote branch as a merge request.

The main branch is develop, which may have breaking changes at any point. At every release, a tag is created, pointing on the commit that has incremented the version; see Release process for more information.

If contributions, under the form of merge requests, are accepted, they are to be merged using fast-forward with no merge commit.

Maintainers are allowed to push their work on the repository under branches prefixed by one of the following:

  • fix/: If a fix is required for an issue, e.g. fix/fix-bad-check-packet-type-on-special-mode.

  • feat/: For adding features such as adding a protocol, a file format, an option, and so on.

  • refactor/: For refactoring part of the code or documentation.

Git commit messages must be named using the commit naming convention; see Commit naming.


This structure, while simple, gives flexibility for release branches, hotfix branches, and so on, to be introduced later.


The documentation source is included within the repository, and included in the releases on Git (although removed from the tarballs).

A built version of the documentation of the latest release is available at, through HTTP.

A preview version is also available at, through HTTP. It is built and published every time one or more new commits land on the develop branch, and as such, may include content that is not yet available in the latest release.