amigaos Building Cahute for AmigaOS


In order to install Cahute on AmigaOS, it is recommended to use one of the methods in Installing Cahute on AmigaOS. However, if you wish to build Cahute manually, this guide is for you.

The following building methods are available.


Since you will not be using a packaged version of Cahute, the project won’t be automatically updated when updating the rest of the system, which means you will need to do it manually, especially if a security update is made.

You can subscribe to releases by creating a account, and following the steps in Get notified when a release is created. You can check your notification settings at any time in Notifications.

Building Cahute for AmigaOS 3.2 and above, using Linux


Both AmigaOS 3.2 and above as a target and this build method are not officially supported yet.

See AmigaOS for more information.

Building Cahute for AmigaOS 3.2 and above from Linux distributions using m68k-amigaos-gcc, including the Native Development Kit (NDK), as described in Cross Compiling With CMake.

This guide will assume you have a POSIX or compatible shell, such as bash or zsh.

Downloading the Cahute source

In order to get the current released version of the Cahute source, you have the following options:

  • You can download the latest source package:

    curl -o cahute-0.6.tar.gz
    tar xvf cahute-0.6.tar.gz
  • You can clone the repository and checkout the tag corresponding to the release:

    git clone cahute-0.6
    (cd cahute-0.6 && git checkout -f 0.6)

The project is present in the “cahute-0.6” directory.


If you are building the project in the context of the Creating a merge request guide, these commands need to be replaced by the following:

git clone <your-repo-url>

Where the repository’s URL can be obtained through the Code button on the interface:

../_images/mr4.png’s repository interface with “Code” selected, presenting the options to clone the repository.

Installing the dependencies

Cahute depends on the following build-only dependencies:


As opposed to other platforms, Cahute for AmigaOS does not require libusb nor SDL2.

In order to install the build-only dependencies, it is recommended you use your native package manager. A few examples are the following:

  • On Debian and derivatives:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install cmake python3 python3-toml
  • On Archlinux and derivatives:

    sudo pacman -Sy cmake python python-toml
  • On Voidlinux and derivatives:

    xbps-install cmake python3 python3-toml

Then, you need to install m68k-amigaos-gcc and all available tools, using instructions present in the m68k-amigaos-gcc README.


Unfortunately this may not come easy, and there is no issue tracker with the project. Good luck!

This build method assumes the toolchain is installed in /opt/amiga, as set by default. You must also download m68k-amigaos.cmake on your system, and prepare the absolute path to it.

Building the project

You can now create the build directory aside the source directory, by running the following command:

cmake -B build -S cahute-0.6 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/m68k-amigaos.cmake -DTOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=m68k-amigaos -DTOOLCHAIN_PATH=/opt/amiga

You can now build the project using the following command:

cmake --build build


p7screen will not be included, since it requires SDL2 which is not available with the AmigaOS 3.2 toolchain.