apple Building Cahute for macOS / OS X


In order to install Cahute on macOS / OS X, it is recommended to use one of the methods in Installing Cahute on macOS / OS X. However, if you wish to build Cahute manually, this guide is for you.

The following building methods are available.


Since you will not be using a packaged version of Cahute, the project won’t be automatically updated when updating the rest of the system, which means you will need to do it manually, especially if a security update is made.

You can subscribe to releases by creating a account, and following the steps in Get notified when a release is created. You can check your notification settings at any time in Notifications.

Building Cahute natively for macOS / OS X

This guide will assume you hae a POSIX or compatible shell, such as bash or zsh.

Downloading the Cahute source

In order to get the current released version of the Cahute source, you have the following options:

  • You can download the latest source package:

    curl -o cahute-0.6.tar.gz
    tar xvf cahute-0.6.tar.gz
  • You can clone the repository and checkout the tag corresponding to the release:

    git clone cahute-0.6
    (cd cahute-0.6 && git checkout -f 0.6)

The project is present in the “cahute-0.6” directory.


If you are building the project in the context of the Creating a merge request guide, these commands need to be replaced by the following:

git clone <your-repo-url>

Where the repository’s URL can be obtained through the Code button on the interface:

../_images/mr4.png’s repository interface with “Code” selected, presenting the options to clone the repository.

Installing the dependencies

Cahute depends on the following build-only dependencies:

It also depends on the following build and runtime dependencies:

In order to install the native dependencies, it is recommended you use Homebrew:

brew install cmake pkg-config python@3.12 libusb sdl2

You must also install the Python dependencies, by going to the parent directory to the source, and creating a virtual environment within build/venv using the following commands:

python3 -m venv build/venv
source build/venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install toml

Building the project

You can now initialize the build directory by running the following command:

cmake -B build -S cahute-0.6 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


The build initialization command must be run in the same shell as the one where the Python venv was initialized.

If you have created a new shell, you must run the following command beforehand:

source build/venv/bin/activate

Now that the build directory has been initialized, you can build using the following command:

cmake --build build


This can be run in any shell, provided you adapt the path to be absolute or relative to the current directory (e.g. cmake --build . if within the build directory), and the Python venv does not need to be activated beforehand since CMake remembers it must use it.