Main memory data

Main memory files are the files present on the calculator’s main memory, which is present on all graphic CASIO calculators since the fx-7000G at least. They can be programs, captures, and so on, and are small enough to fit in the main memory, usually stored in RAM in a filesystem no bigger than 64 KiB.

Most elements in the CASIO ecosystem are thought around exchanging these files:

  • The CASIOLINK protocol is about sending and receiving main memory files. See CASIOLINK protocol – Serial protocols used by pre fx-9860G calculators for more information;

  • Part of the commands in Protocol 7.00 are about sending and receiving main memory files, and interacting with the main memory in general. See Known Protocol 7.00 commands by CASIO for more information;

  • A lot of the file formats documented here are about containing one or more main memory files:

    • CASIOLINK files are a binary collection of main memory files as represented using their protocol counterpart. See CASIOLINK archives for more information;

    • CAT and CTF are textual equivalents of the previous, one being official and the other being defined by the community. See Catalog files (CAT) and Calculator Text Format (CTF) for more information;

    • MCS (Main Control Structure) files, with the G1M/G1R/G2M/G2R/G3M/G3R extensions, are a binary collection of main memory files for the fx-9860G and compatible. See Main memory archives for more information.

Main memory files usually have an associated data type and a format.


Catalog known main memory file natures here: program, …



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