xfer9860 command line reference


This utility is part of Cahute; see Installation guides for more information on how to install it.

xfer9860 is a tool originally released back in June 2007 by Andreas Bertheussen for their fx-9860G SD. It is used to interact with the calculator’s storage memory from any calculator supporting Protocol 7.00.


This interface is provided by compatibility with Andres Bertheussen’s work, and must not be changed to bring new features or change the syntax of existing ones.

The utility operates differently depending on the provided option:

xfer9860 -u <local file path> <file name>

Upload the file as <file name> on the calculator’s main storage device.

xfer9860 -d <file name> <local file path>

Download the file named <file name> on the calculator’s main storage device.

xfer9860 -i

Gather information regarding the calculator.

xfer9860 -o

Optimize the calculator’s main storage device.

Available options for all operations are the following:

-h, -a

Display the help message and exit.

-a actually stands for “about”, and only displayed licensing information while -h stands for “help” and only displayed usage help.

Cahute’s implementation shows the same message for both options.


Throttle in seconds, i.e. delay in milliseconds between packets.