CAS100 protocol – Serial protocol used by AFX / Graph 100

The CAS100 protocol is an variation of CAS50 specific to the AFX / Graph 100, used between 1999 and 2003.


The term was coined by Thomas Touhey, as an evolution of CAS50 at “double the speed”, which was actually a mistake since the rendez-vous baud speed of this protocol is 38400 bauds, and not 19200 (which means it is actually quadruple the speed). The name was kept however, because 100 also references Graph 100, the French model variation implementing this protocol.

For this protocol, serial settings are always the same, and do not vary during the transfer:

  • Speed: 38400 bauds.

  • Parity: none.

  • Stop bits: 2.

See the following sections for more details regarding the protocol.